# Spree Store

After installation, you will find in config/initializers/spree_gladly.rb directory the below file:

SpreeGladly.setup do |config|
  # The key used to validate the Gladly lookup request signature.
  # We recommend using a secure random string of length over 32.
  config.signing_key = '<%= SecureRandom.base64(32) %>'

  # You can change serializer on your own
  config.basic_lookup_presenter = Customer::BasicLookupPresenter
  config.detailed_lookup_presenter = Customer::DetailedLookupPresenter
  config.order_limit = nil
  config.order_includes = [:line_items]
  config.order_sorting = { created_at: :desc }
  config.order_states = ['complete']

  # The request's timestamp is validated against `signing_threshold` to prevent replay attacks.
  # Setting this value to `0` disables the threshold validation.
  # Default is `0`.
  # config.signing_threshold = 5.minutes

where you are able to set the preferences:

  • signing_key: cryptographic key to sign every request to your lookup service
  • signing_threshold: time value to prevent replay attacks ( default: 0 )
  • basic_lookup_presenter: presenter which is responsible for basic lookup results payload ( default: Customer::BasicLookupPresenter )
  • detailed_lookup_presenter: presenter which is responsible for detailed lookup results payload ( default: Customer::DetailedLookupPresenter )
  • order_limit: you can set limit returned orders number in detailed lookup response, if nil than no limits default: nil
  • order_includes: you can set what relation should be included in query, default: :line_items. This gets passed into .include() when fetching detailed lookup - if you want to display data from order's relationships, you may want to optimize the query
  • order_sorting: *you can set how returned orders should be sorted default: { created_at: :desc }
  • order_states: you can set order state which should be returned in response default: ['complete']. This defines states of orders that will be returned to Gladly (and that by default it will exclude Spree::Orders in cart|address|delivery|payment states

You can also set signing_key and signing_threshold via the admin dashboard in your Spree instance. To do that, open Gladly Settings in the Configurations section.


# !!! Important !!!

Detailed lookups find customer's orders based on customer's profile, but will also include guest orders made with the same email address. By default, Spree doesn't index the email field of Spree::Orders table. To ensure smooth operation of the lookup endpoint, add the following migration to your application.

class AddEmailIndexToSpreeOrders < ActiveRecord::Migration

  def change
    add_index :spree_orders, :email

Note: please adjust migration to yours Rails version